



The labor force is the total number of people (aged sixteen and older) employed and the unemployed. The unemployment rate is the percentage of the labor force unemployed but lacking for work. The unemployment rate is a fungible item. Previously, the government gauged unemployment by the number of people who field unemployment claims in a given month. However, because many people who are or become unemployed by the technical definition--that is, they are looking for work--don't qualify for unemployment benefits, the result was a serious undercounting of the unemployed. Now the United States relies on the monthly Current Population Survey from the Commerce Department, which provides a more comprehensive set of numbers based on household polls.

Note that to be officially unemployed, a worker must be seeking employment. People without jobs who aren't looking for work because they don't think any exists have, in effect, dropped out of the labor force and become discouraged workers (EGI) .

The labor force participation (LFP) rate can be revealing. It is the percentage of the total working-age population that is in the labor force.

In other words, the LFP rate is the relationship between who is eligible to work and who actually is working. Broken down demographically, variations in the LFP rate may offer clues to stories about social trends.

As of the mid-1990s, the entry of women into the labor force in large numbers was probably the most significant economic shift of the post-World Warll period. But in the latter part of the decade, participation by women leveled off and dropped in some sectors. Why this occurred is no clear; a natural leveling off does not seem to account for the change.More research, particularly into both women and men's changing relationships to work, is needed. Interested reporters should find and bond with social scientists who study the workplace.

Economists talk about different types of unemployment: frictional, structural, and cyclical. The frictionally unemployment are people who haven't had time to find a job yet because they are new to the labor force or are between jobs. Structural unemployment is a result of deep changes in the economy.Technological change may make some occupations obsolete. When people began driving cars instead of horses and buggies, a blacksmith's skills were no longer necessary.The process by which jobs evolve and fade away as the skills they use become obsolete is called churning. Structural unemployment may also result from changes in international markets as lower-paid foreign labor force becomes available to do work that previously went to higher-paid domestic workers. In the last two decades workers in many importantAmerican industries, such as steel and textiles, have lost jobs to lower-paid workers in developing countries.


A global health crisis of the magnitude we are experiencing has not struck the international community for over a century. In this unprecedented crisis, all countries and all areas of our daily life are profoundly affected and in disarray. The sole weapon we currently possess against the virus is to constrain human contact as far as possible, and social distancing has become an important containment measure.

As a result, the world has come to a near standstill. From local transport to global supply chains,nothing has been spared. In urban traffic and on global trade routes, bustling movement has given way to a weird calm. Activity in the aviation sector has fallen by 90 percent; car sales have slumped by the same order of magnitude in some countries.The transport sector finds itself in a totally unprecedented situation. As a result of the restrictions in place around the world, its main function of facilitating social interaction has now come to a halt.

At the same time, it must continue to function where moving people and goods is an imperative, not a choice. Doctors and nurses must be able to get to work. Hospitals must be able to receive the supplies they need.Confined citizens rely on provisions being delivered to shops. Not least, international supply chains must continue to move as seamlessly as possible to keep the inevitable economic impact as limited as possible.Never before have world leaders put such constraints on the movement of people and goods.

Already we can see that, as terrible as the crisis is, it brings out the best in many. It is also a reminder of three essential factors for a successful recovery. First, we will overcome the crisis more quickly and effectively if we work together across existing divides, of whatever sort they may be. The example of companies from very different fields teaming up to build breathing aides together is a very practical example.

Second, expertise and evidence-based decisions count and make all the difference.We will hardly beat the virus and resurrect our economies based on guesswork and gut feelings. The sharing of private sector mobility data with governments to help contain COVID-19 infections is a shining example.

Third, while we deal with the crisis in the most effective way, we must start to think about the future and plan for the post-pandemic age.The world after the coronavirus crisis will no longer be the same.Many profound changes will be forced upon us. We do have the knowledge and the tools to shape them, and to seek out the opportunities in this epochal transformation, but we must make the right choices.


在新冠疫情全球蔓延的困难时刻,东亚国家选择开放合作,签署了 RCEP,给区域经济复苏注入新的动能。RCEP的签署,将进一步促进东亚地区的贸易和投资,加强区域产业链、供应链合作,实现地区国家优势互补,互惠互利。


中国积极参与 RCEP谈判,并在此过程中发挥了不可或缺的作用。中方将一如既往支持东盟发挥主导作用,同各方合作做好 RCEP 实施工作,使成果更早惠及地区企业和民众。


汉译英 2

职业教育,是国民教育体系和人力资源开发的重要组成部分,是广大青年打开通往成功成才大门的重要途径。职业教育已为各行各业累计培养输送 2亿多高素质劳动者。我国经济持续快速发展,职业教育功不可没。

20191月,国务院颁发了《国家职业教育改革实施方案》(the Implementation Plan for the Reform of the National Polytechnic Education)(以下简称方案。)明确指出,职业教育与普通教育是两种不同教育类型,具有同等重要地位,但方案颁布以来,我国职业教育改革走上了快速发展的道路。



