





1. Imagine that you suddenly fall ill yet a task is due in three days. What would you do to cope with this emergency?
2. Suppose that you are about to do simultaneous interpreting today yet your partner cannot come today! What would you do to cope with this crisis?
3. Imagine that you are doing translation for a pharmaceutical company yet some of the details are quite difficult. You have used all means to search resources on the internet, including Google, but still cannot find anything related to them. What would you do to cope with this problem?
4. Imagine that your client gives you a document to translate yet you find that the source text is badly written. It is so bad that basic reading comprehension is impossible! What would you do with this task?
5. Suppose you have already finished a translation task yet your computer breaks down! All the files are in this computer and what would you do, as tomorrow is the deadline?


许多学长学姐走出考场的时候,都会给告诉老师面试官提了一些看似跟MTI没什么关系的问题。这类问题绝大多数以“please describe something”为主要模式,考查的其实是大家的表达能力,看考生说话有没有条理,是不是有总体概括的同时也能做好细节上的描述。遇到这类问题,回答的时候一定要条理清晰,尤其做好类似总分总的结构设计和段落与段落之间的过渡。

1. Please describe the most frequently-used app on your smartphone.
2. Please describe a sightseeing place that you once visited.
3. Please tell how you usually spend your weekend.
4. Describe a famous person you admire and explain why.
5. Who is your favorite translator and why do you think this person is great?
6. Who is your favorite English novelist and which book do you like the most?
7. Please describe your favorite dish and tell us why.
8. Please describe an unforgettable moment when you are in trouble.
9. What is your favorite movie and tell us what happened in this story.
10. Which country do you want to visit but haven’t got a chance to do so, and why?
11. Choose a legendary figure and brainstorm what will happen if it lives in today’s society.
12. Who is your favorite actor/actress, and why?
13. Which animal do you like to become, a tiger, an eagle, a turtle or a cat. Please explain why.
14. Describe an intangible cultural heritage in China and explain why it needs our protection.
15. Please describe your favorite brand, and explain why you like its products.



1. Why did you change your major and want to learn MTI?
2. As you are all qualified in terms of English proficiency, what is your specialty compared to others?
3. What can you bring to the GSTI?
4. What differentiates you from all other candidates?
5. If you want to become popular, the quickest way is to become an online celebrity on we-media platforms like Douyin, Bilibili or Douyu. As long as you can share something unique with the audience, you will win your own fans and enjoy some degree of popularity online. The question is: what makes me special? What characters/skills/hobbies do I have to attract people’s attention? Try to look at yourself from the third-person perspective and write down some plans for becoming an online.
6. We are, generally speaking, almost the same upon graduation. However, people usually find classmates differ so much from each other after 3 or 5 years. What do you think has made such a huge change and what would you do for long-term improvement?



1. The ongoing pandemic poses huge impact upon every industry, including linguistic services as well. How do you see the challenges and opportunities that COVID-19 has brought to translators and interpreters? What would you do according to these pros and cons?
2. While absolute poverty has been eradicated in China, there are still things to be done including, for example, a huge gap of income between the rich and the poor. There is a term the Gini coefficient. What do you know about this concept? What would you suggest to promote the equality among our citizens?
3. Recently, the term neijuan has become a frequently discussed topic. We can generally translate this term as fierce and unreasonable competition or its academic definition involution. How do you understand this phenomenon? How do you define the difference between neijuan and competition? What would you yourself do to avoid this trap?
4. According to the recent national census, China’s birth rate is dropping, particularly in coastal areas. Why do you think it is decreasing? Since human resource is the essential foundation of social development, what would you suggest for solving this problem? What is your own attitude towards having a baby?
5. Dianzi Jingji, or cyber games, has become a sun-rise industry here in China. Becoming a world champion of playing computer games is now the dream for many young people, especially boys. Do you think this is a realistic goal, and why?
6. Yang Chaoyue, a synonym for the very luckiest, has become the idol for many girls. Indeed, becoming a celebrity on the stage looks much easier than studying so hard for years. How do you understand this sun-rise industry? Do you think this is a realistic goal, and why
7. Infrastructure is everywhere in our life: from telecommunication services to transportation facilities, from huge hydropower dams to small public toilet rooms on the street, we need infrastructure all the time. In recent years, China is developing its infrastructure at an amazing speed. List some examples in your life and tell us how this has significantly changed your life.
8. Rejuvenation, the Zeitgeist of China in the 2020s, is the most frequently mentioned word in TV news and governmental document. It is a grand, abstract and comprehensive concept that couldn’t be explained with a few hundred words. However, from you own perspective, what can you do to contribute to the rejuvenation of the Chinese nation? Never ignore the power of individuals, nor should we feel inferior when it comes to this topic: find something that you can do and what makes you irreplaceable in the rejuvenation of our country.
9. Although China has been the first victim of the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, we are also the first country that puts the virus under control and bring people’s life back to normal, while things are, generally speaking, a mess in some other countries, even those developed countries with advanced public health resources. What are the most important factors that have ensured our success? You can answer this question from a national perspective, or tell stories in your own life to support your idea.
10. The current coronavirus pandemic will probably last for quite a long time. As China has now developed its own vaccine and promised that it will be a public good for the world community, some people still think that China will launch a vaccine diplomacy, using this as a negotiating advantage to seek more political and economic interest around the world. How would you argue against this idea?
